The first MacNotables show of the New Year finds Adam Engst, Andy Ihnatko and Chuck Joiner contemplating issues both serious and frivolous. Chuck tries out a new recording set-up (and then forgets to change the settings) while the panel discusses such diverse topics...
MacVoices #703 – The Road to Macworld: Jay Menna Discusses’s Unique Approach to Web Hosting
The Road to Macworld Conference & Expo takes a detour to chat with Jay Menna, the founder of, about his company's unique approach to web hosting. Ever wonder what a server room full of Mac minis might look like? Or what it could accomplish? Jay has...
MacVoices #702 – The Road to Macworld: Kristopher Thornton of Aevoe on Their First Expo Appearance
Kristopher Thornton, the Vice President of Business Development for Aevoe, talks about his company's first appearance at Macworld Conference & Expo. Aevoe produces "fashion electronic accessories" as well as hardware products under their brand as well as the Moshi...
MacVoices #701: Don McAllister Joins MacVoices as European Correspondent
MacVoices, "The talk of the Mac Community," is pleased to kick off 2007 by naming Don McAllister as the new European Correspondent to the show. Don is the producer of the outstanding Mac software training video podcast Screencasts Online. Based in the United Kingdom,...
Recording Methods & Quality Tips
These tips will help you get the most out of your MacVoices interview by delivering the highest possible quality recording and interview. RECORDING METHODS There are various ways e can record your interview; I use the same options on my end, so the variables are on...
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