MacVoices #19179: Road to Macstock and More: David Sparks On Getting Artists Organized, Keyboard Maestro Field Guide

Jun 28, 2019 | Uncategorized

Chuck Joiner, David Sparks

On The Road to MacstockDavid Sparks delivers a triple-duty interview as he explains how his session will help artists (and others) get organized and get distractions out of the way so they can get on with the business of creating art, and reveals that he has no idea what surprises the 500th episode of Mac Power Users will hold. Then, David takes things a step farther down the productivity path as we discuss his new MacSparky, and how it helps you learn and implement the power of the program in your own workflows.

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This edition of MacVoices is sponsored by Smile, the makers of PDFpen and PDFpenPro, PDFpen for iPad, PDFpen for iPhone, PDFpen Scan+, as well as TextExpander for Mac and TextExpander for iPhone and iPad, as well as the new TextExpander for Windows. Great software to help you get more done.

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Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.

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David Sparks is an Orange County, California business attorney and a geek. David is also a podcaster (Mac Power Users), blogger, and author who writes about finding the best tools, hardware, and workflows for using Apple products to get work done. David also writes for Macworld magazine and speaks about technology. Find all his Field Guide series of training titles at


Macstock 2019: David’s Speaker code: macsparky

Macstock 2019: Chuck’s Speaker code: MacVoices

Discount code for the Keyboard Maestro Field Guidechuckisawesome