MacVoices #20130: ‘How Long Should Tech Last’ with Charles Edge, Ken Ray, and Brett Terpstra (Part 2)

May 6, 2020 | Business, Commentary, Hardware, Software

Charles Edge, Brett Terpstra, Ken Ray, Chuck Joiner

The second part of the discussion on “How Long Should Tech Last” with the panel of Charles EdgeKen RayBrett Terpstra, and host Chuck Joiner get into topics that include the costs of maintaining older hardware and software from both the end user as well as the manufacturer’s perspective, backward compatibility, and how you should budget for replacement. The effect on purchasing decisions, backward compatibility vs. new features, class action suits vs. transparency, and more are all included in an episode that will make you think about what and when you are purchasing.

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This edition of MacVoices is supported by MacPaw, the makers of CleanMyMac XYour Mac. Good as new. Find out more and get your copy at

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Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

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Charles Edge has written 9 books and over 3,000 blog posts on technology, with a focus on large-scale systems and server management, including Take Control of OS X Server. He is currently a product manager for JAMF Software. When not playing with computers at work, he can be found at home tinkering with computers for fun. His personal blog is, his podcasts are JAMF After Dark and The Mac Admins Podcast, and you can follow him on Twitter.

Since May of 2005, Ken Ray has eaten, slept, and breathed Apple news and news related to Apple news in order to produce a daily Apple news show. and he does just that with Mac OS Ken, with content that  includes most stories directly related to Apple, many stories indirectly related to Apple that stand a chance of affecting Apple’s business or its users, and tangentially related stories that are funny. A slightly skewed, sometimes cynical, obsessive look at Apple news, five-days-a-week. Ken also produces The Checklist by SecureMac, a security-oriented podcast, and his newest show is In A Few Minutes. There are various ways you can contact him.

Brett Terpstra is a coder, writer and web developer. He works behind the scenes at blogs including Engadget, Joystiq and The Unofficial Apple Weblog. He also writes for The Unofficial Apple Weblog, and contributes to Macworld. Brett develops Marked for Mac and recently co-authored “60 Mountain Lion Tips” with David Sparks for the iBookstore. He discusses all things “nerd” on his podcasts, Systematic and Overtired.You can find Brett as “ttscoff” on Twitter, and at his website,