MacVoices #21110: MacVoices Live! – Amazon Sidewalk, MGM, and Movie Studios (2)

Jun 8, 2021 | Apple TV, MacVoices Live!, Security/Privacy

Frank Petrie, David Ginsburg, Mike Schmitz, Jeff Gamet, Jay Miller, Jim Rea, Mark Fuccio, Brittany Smith

The MacVoices panel of Frank PetrieDavid GinsburgMike SchmitzJeff GametJay MillerJim ReaMark Fuccio, and Brittany Smith shifted the discussion to the privacy aspects of Amazon’s Sidewalk service, Amazon’s choice to require opt-out, and how it compares to what Apple is doing with AirTags. A healthy debate ensues, and spills over into the matter of Amazon purchasing MGM, and whether that was a missed opportunity for Apple. (Part 2) 

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Show Notes:


Frank Petrie is an author and contributor to ScreenCastsOnline Magazine. Follow him on Twitter and check out his web site,

David Ginsburg is the President of the Suburban Chicago Apple Users Group, and is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. Find and follow him on Twitter as @daveg65. You can also hear him share his knowledge on his podcast, In Touch With iOS.

Mike Schmitz is an Apple fanboy, coffee snob, and productivity junkie who is intent on teaching people how to be more productive. His newest effort is He is the Executive Editor for The Sweet Setup, a site dedicated to reviewing and recommending the very best Mac and iOS apps, and is the creator of FaithBasedProductivity, where he teaches his personal approach to getting more done. Mike lives in Wisconsin with his wife and 4 crazy boys and is the author of Thou Shalt Hustle. He is also the co-host of the Bookworm podcast and (probably) spends too much time on Twitter. You can find all his projects on his personal web site,, including his new podcast with his wife Rachel at

Jeff Gamet is the author of Fresh Brewed Tales, a chronicle of Jeff’s strange adventures at coffee shops. You can find his regular updates on Twitter.

Jay Miller is a Developer Advocate and Podcaster based in San Diego, Ca. A multipotentialite, Jay enjoys finding unique ways to merge his fascination with productivity, automation, and development to create tools and content to serve the tech community. Hear him on his podcast, The PIT Show, visit his web site at, and follow him on Twitter as @kjaymiller.

Jim Rea is the brains behind ProVue, the developers of the Panorama X database. Follow him on Twitter as @provuejim.

Mark Fuccio is actively involved in high tech startup companies, both as a principle at, or as a marketing advisor through his consulting practice Tactics Sells High Tech, Inc. Mark was a proud investor in Microsoft from the mid-1990’s selling in mid 2000, and hopes one day that MSFT will be again an attractive investment. You can contact Mark through Twitter on LinkedIn.

Brittany Smith is a cognitive neuroscientist who provides a variety of consulting services through her business, Devise and Conquer that includes ADD/ADHD coaching, technology coaching, productivity consulting, and more. She is a self-designated “well-rounded geek”, and holds a M.S. degree in Cognitive Neuroscience. She can be found on Twitter as @addliberator. Check out her latest project, a YouTube channel of tech tips.


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