MacVoices #982: Shelly Brisbin Discusses The Arrival of iPhone 3GS Accessibility

Jun 25, 2009 | Author, Hardware, iPhone, Software | 2 comments

Shelly Brisbin
Mac expert Shelly Brisbin discusses the changes and enhancements in the iPhone 3GS that make it a viable option for the visually challenged. The latest iteration of Apple’s mobile device adds accessibility features for the first time, and Shelly talks about the difference that VoiceOver, Zoom and White on Black can make. Apps that are leading the accessibility pack, ideas about how developers and Apple can help inform users about accessibility, and why the iPhone can beat out the Macbook for those with accessibility needs are all part of a discussion you need to hear.
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MacJury #906: The MacJury Judges The iPhone 3G S After A Weekend Sequestration

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Apple’s iPhone Accessibility Page

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