MacVoices #17206: David Ginsburg Talks Productivity and JAMF Nation Users Conference

Nov 2, 2017 | Apple TV, Business, Developer, Hardware, iOS, iPad, Productivity, Security/Privacy, Software, Video, Web | 0 comments

David Ginsburg reports on this year’s JAMF Nation Users Conference, an event focused on management of Macs and iOS devices, and all aspects of Apple devices in the enterprise market. From the ever-increasing need for security to the challenges presented by the Cloud, David covers things you would expect, like why Microsoft continues to be big in this market, and things you wouldn’t, like how Apple TV is growing rapidly in all sorts of enterprise situations. Military, education, and medical-oriented presentations, some major Mac installations, and David’s favorite productivity apps are all discussed.

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Show Notes:

Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.

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David Ginsburg is the President of the Suburban Chicago Apple Users Group, and is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. Find and follow him on Twitter as @daveg65. You can also hear him share his knowledge on his podcast, In Touch With iOS.


Day One

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