MacNotable Bryan Chaffin and host Chuck Joiner have a wide-ranging discussion on the latest developments in the FBI vs. Apple matter, since there seems to be something new to the case every day. As Bryan points out, there are a wide variety of players in this drama:...
MacVoices #16077: Ted Landau On Buying A New iMac and The FBI vs. Apple Controversy
MacNotable Ted Landau recently purchased an iMac 5K, and shares his decision-making process on options like fusion vs. SSD drive, amount of RAM, and upgrading the processor. He also discusses the external storage solutions he tried, and his surprising final choice....
MacVoices #15209: An Apple Report Card and Changing Perspectives with Ted Landau
Ted Landau checks in with a report card on Apple's year. Find out how he thinks the iPad Pro, App Store, Apple TV, iPhone 6S, Live Photos, iMac and more contributed to the state of Apple as we close out 2015. Ted also discusses his love of his TiVo Roamio, virtual...
MacVoices #15199: Jason Snell Updates His Crash Course on Photos and Talks Ten Years of MacNotables
Jason Snell has updated Photos for Mac: A Take Control Crash Course, and gives us quick tour of some of his favorite new features in the photo editor and manager. Photos may not be a successor (yet) to Aperture, but there are plenty of great additions; He talks...
MacVoices #15197: Christopher Breen on Creating Podcast Music and MacNotables’ 10th
Christopher Breen is back to talk about his career (he has three at the moment) as a podcast music producer, and to celebrate MacNotables 10th anniversary. Chris explains how he approaches each project to create sometimes complimentary, sometimes contrasting feelings...
Older Episodes
MacVoices #14049: Dan Frakes on The Apple TV’s Impact and Home Automation
Dan Frakes is back to talk about the Apple TV and the impact it is having on individual video acquisition and consumption, and on the video industry in general. Is it suitable just for cord cutters, movie fans or those who want alternative video content? Dan discusses...
MacVoices #14043: Ted Landau On Bird Games, Plagiarism and Windows Criticism
Ted Landau is angry with Angry Birds, mystified by the Flappy Bird furor and in favor of The Beatles. Find out what he thinks of the high-profile Windows criticism, talks about some personal experiences with plagiarism, and why staying relevant is critical. [audio...
MacVoices #14038: Bob “Dr. Mac” Levitus on the Mac’s 30th Anniversary Celebration, Smart Watches, and More
Bob “Dr. Mac†LeVitus discusses his experiences at the 30th Anniversary Celebration for the Macintosh…the Macworld All-Star Band, the speakers, the panels, and even the guests. Didn't make it to the show? Bob explains why you may still be able to see it. Bob...
MacVoices #14037: Ted Landau on 30 Years of the Mac, The iPod’s Future and Apple TV’s Promotion
Ted Landau has been around the Macintosh from the beginning, and shares some perspective on how it has impacted both his life and the world of personal computing. Ted also provides some insight into the iPod's future, the apparent promotion of the Apple TV to a...
MacVoices #14034: Ted Landau on Tech Trends, Aggregated Data and an Electric Car
Ted Landau is back for the first time in 2014 to discuss a movie pick, trends from International CES, the Internet of Things, wearable tech, an electric car, why we need to get used to aggregated data and more. [audio...
MacVoices #13212: Jason Snell on Apple in 2014, Podcasting and Geek Culture
Jason Snell of IDG helps us wrap up the year with a look at where Apple is, the trends that are shaping the company, and where they need to go from here. Jason also talks about the rise of geek culture...
MacVoices #13209: Jim Dalrymple Looks At Big Tech Trends
Jim Dalrymple is back to look at the stories of 2013 that will have lasting effects on the tech world. Apple, Microsoft, Blackberry and Yahoo are on the agenda…what they have done right, wrong, and what we can expect from them based on those decisions. Jim's...
MacVoices #13207: Bryan Chaffin on BitCoin and iOS Market Share Importance
Among his other titles, Bryan Chaffin is now a BitCoin miner. Is BitCoin the next major currency, or is it just a bit of nerdery that has caught the imagination of the Internet? In a conversation that is part economics lesson, part geekspeak and part debate, Bryan...
MacVoices #13206: Christopher Breen On Music Curation, Music Streaming and Music Listening
Macworld Senior Editor Christopher Breen goes with us on a deep dive into the subject of music. The discussion starts with music curation - automatic with Pandora, more human-based with iTunes Radio. Chris explains why he feels one is, at least for now, superior to...
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