Andy Ihnatko checks in for the MacNotables' tenth anniversary by discussing his passion for television and his adventures at the second night of Stephen Colbert's Late Show. Andy also shares his thoughts on what makes a podcaster, great interviewers and other life...
MacVoices #15190 – Tonya Engst and Ted Landau on 10 Years of MacNotables and the Speed of Tech Changes
Tonya Engst and Ted Landau join the party for another MacNotables 10th anniversary panel to talk about how podcasting has affected them, the speed of changes in technology and the seemingly constant stream of software updates. Deciding what is newsworthy, and why,...
MacVoices #15189: Adam Engst and Bob LeVitus on the Origins of MacNotables and OS X
Adam Engst and Bob “Dr. Mac†LeVitus join host Chuck Joiner for another celebration of MacNotables' 10th anniversary. Adam and Bob reveal some truths to Chuck that even he didn't know about how and why the panel came together and why they keep coming back,...
MacVoices #15187: Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus on El Capitan, Cool Stuff and His New Music Video
Bob "Dr. Mac" LeVitus shares his thoughts on El Capitan, talks about some of his favorite new cool products, and his upcoming Mid-Atlantic MUG Tour, where he can be seen live. Bob also delivers the world premier of his the first version of his new music video, tells...
MacVoices #15185: Bryan Chaffin on Apple’s 30% Cut of Music, Apps, Movies and Books
Bryan Chaffin of The Mac Observer and host Chuck Joiner take on the topic of Apple's mandatory 30% cut of revenue from App Store and Music Store purchases, with a special focus on music. Whether your iOS device should be the perfect place to consume music, who it...
Older Episodes
MacVoices #13205: Netflix vs. Your ISP, Windows Frustrations and More on the Mac Pro with Ted Landau
Ted Landau updates us on his Macworld article on the Mac Pro, and the widespread attention and response it received. A few final thoughts on his position on Apple's new top-end Mac, and then the discussion turns to Ted's efforts to troubleshoot a Netflix issue, the...
MacVoices #13200: Adam and Tonya Engst Celebrate Ten Years of Take Control Books
Adam and Tonya Engst unveiled their first Take Control book ten years ago, in a world that was barely getting used to the idea of ebooks. Today, Take Control has influenced the way ebooks are created, and the standards to which they are held. In a bonus-length...
MacVoices #13193: Ted Landau on iPad Choices, Mavericks Troubleshooting and Mac Pro Thinking
Ted Landau talks about his thinking on the iPad Air vs. iPad mini with Retina and why he's waiting until he can hold them both, then dives into Mavericks. Ted's upgrade went smoothly, but there are always those annoying little issues. Deleting tags in Mavericks, dual...
MacVoices #13186: Ted Landau Returns To Talk iPhone 5s, Apple TV, New iPad Expectations and More
Ted Landau is back from his travels, and catches us up on his experiences with the iPhone 5s hardware and iOS 7 software, what we can look forward to in the new iPads and why he likes the iPad mini. In lightning-round style, Ted takes on the Surface 2, Steve Balmer's...
MacVoices #13182: Bryan Chaffin on Steve Balmer’s Retirement, Tim Cook as Rock Star and the new iPhones
MacNotable Bryan Chaffin is back to explain the newest developments with The Apple Context Machine, discuss Steve Balmer's retirement and analyze the mystery of his tenure as Microsoft CEO. Office vs. iWork, the strategy behind the iPhone 5c, Tim Cook's status as...
MacVoices #13175: Ted Landau’s Adventures in Television Buying and Installation
Ted Landau has been busy over the past few months updating his television. Ted takes us through his adventure in choosing a new unit, deciding where to buy, getting it installed, mounting it, working out the remote and audio options, what devices connect to what, and...
MacVoices #13173: Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus’ Newest Product Picks and More
Bob "Dr. Mac" LeVitus is back to give us a look inside his office, and some of his favorite things. Bob talks about a new photo sharing service, Bluetooth speaker picks, his (current) favorite iDevice cases, and what he's using for audio and video editing. Not to...
MacVoices #13172: Chris Breen’s Hobby, Lawmakers’ Tech Knowledge and the New Mac Pro
Macworld Senior Editor Chris Breen comes clean about one of his hobbies, our (not just his) frustration with lawmakers' technology savvy, and what he wants out of the next iterations of the Mac OS and iOS. Chris talks about his favorite new software and why we need to...
MacVoices #13168: Ted Landau On The Apple Earnings Call, The Microsoft Surface, and Print vs. Web Publications
Ted Landau is back after a bit of a summer break to provide some thoughts on Apple's quarterly earnings call, whether it is time to call the Microsoft Surface, and the future of print publications in general and some notable examples in specific. Apple's video hobby,...
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