Ted Landau has had a mixed set of experiences with OS X Yosemite. Some of the problems might be Apple's fault, some might be his fault. He explains what happened, how he solved a major problem, and is still working on some of the minor ones. He also looks back at the...
MacVoices Update: Announcing MacVoices Magazine!
MacVoices Magazine is live! Find out why the most recent addition to the MacVoices Group is a must-read, how it is delivered and why Flipboard was selected as the platform. Show Notes: Chuck...
MacVoices #14206: Ted Landau on the Macworld|iWorld Hiatus, The Apple Event and iPhone 6 Size Choices
Ted Landau reacts to the announcement of the Macworld/iWorld hiatus (or is that demise?), speculates on what we might see at Thursday's Apple Event, and why he decided to weigh in on some notable friend's choice of iPhone sizes. Take Control Books brings you this...
MacVoices #14204: Adam Engst, Andy Ihnatko and Jason Snell on The Pebble and the Smartwatch Future
An all-star MacNotables panel of Adam Engst, Andy Ihnatko, Jason Snell and host Chuck Joiner got together to talk about smartwatches in general and the Pebble in particular. Why? Because Pebble was arguably the first smartwatch of the modern era. Because all of them...
MacVoices #14202: Christopher Breen on Macworld Changes, The State of Publishing, and Snark
Macworld Senior Editor Christopher Breen checks in on some of the changes at Macworld magazine, how they are affecting him, and how they will impact what you read going forward. Those changes are not unique to Macworld; Chris and host Chuck Joiner cover the...
Older Episodes
MacNotables #1217: Jim Dalrymple Talks Tablets, Microsoft, Google and Amplified
Jim Dalrymple and host Chuck Joiner share some laughs as they review The Beard Party at WWDC before getting down to business to discuss the latest challenges to the iPad from Google and Microsoft. The thinking (or lack thereof) behind the Nexus and Surface, whether...
MacNotables #1216: Ted Landau Gives WWDC Perspective and Delivers Speculation on Apple’s Future
Ted Landau puts a bottom line on Apple's WWDC announcements, both hardware and software, before taking us on a speculative journey into a possible future about how Apple's hardware and software could develop. Many have been talking about OS X and iOS converging, but...
MacNotables #1215: Ted Landau Discusses Traveling to Paris, His iPad and iPhone
Ted Landau is back from his trip to Paris and talks about how successful his travel tech strategy was, the food he enjoyed, and his experiences with European connectivity. Ted also discusses his most recent thoughts on the swirl of rumors and predictions about Apple's...
MacNotables #1214: Dan Frakes Discusses Apple Rumor Burnout, Apple’s Influence and The Television Industry
Dan Frakes of Macworld is back with us to discuss an affliction that is affecting more and more: Apple rumor burnout. Dan explains why he pays so little attention to the rumor mill, the proliferation of apps that makes it harder than ever to keep up, and how he...
MacNotables #1213: Jason Snell Discusses Macworld Publishing, Media Curation and Delivery, and a New Site
Jason Snell updates us on many things since his last appearance, including his new position as Senior Vice president/Editorial Director at IDG Consumer & SMB, how Macworld is evolving, and their new site that is in beta as we speak, TechHive. Content creation and...
MacNotables #1212: Jim Dalrymple Goes Social on the Facebook IPO
Jim Dalrymple gets social as he reviews the Facebook IPO specifically, and social networks in general. Included in the review are the usual suspects such as LinkedIn, Pinterest, Foursquare, and the one that seems to escape everyone, Apple's Ping. You'll fine out what...
MacNotables #1211: Ted Landau Talks Travel Tech Tips, iPad Word Processing and Apple Decisions
Ted Landau is heading across the pond on vacation, and provides his last update on his travel tech preparations, including his search for the perfect iPad word processor, what he will take, where he will get his connectivity and more. Ted also discusses some of the...
MacNotables #1210: Jim Dalrymple on iPad Dominance, WWDC Expectations and RIM
Jim Dalrymple offers his always-candid perspective on a wide variety of topics, starting with the iPad's dominance of the tablet market, and ending with an update on the saga of RIM. In between, Jim touches on why Android isn't living up to its hype, what he...
MacNotables #1209: Ted Landau Discusses WWDC Registration and Preparing for MobileMe’s Closure
Ted Landau discusses the controversy that arose over Apple's World Wide Developers Conference registration, the history of the event, and why it doesn't matter as much as it used to if you can't go. Ted and host Chuck Joiner also talk about what you should be doing to...
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