Jason Snell of IDG helps us wrap up the year with a look at where Apple is, the trends that are shaping the company, and where they need to go from here. Jason also talks about the rise of geek culture...
MacVoices #13209: Jim Dalrymple Looks At Big Tech Trends
Jim Dalrymple is back to look at the stories of 2013 that will have lasting effects on the tech world. Apple, Microsoft, Blackberry and Yahoo are on the agenda…what they have done right, wrong, and what we can expect from them based on those decisions. Jim's...
MacVoices #13207: Bryan Chaffin on BitCoin and iOS Market Share Importance
Among his other titles, Bryan Chaffin is now a BitCoin miner. Is BitCoin the next major currency, or is it just a bit of nerdery that has caught the imagination of the Internet? In a conversation that is part economics lesson, part geekspeak and part debate, Bryan...
MacVoices #13206: Christopher Breen On Music Curation, Music Streaming and Music Listening
Macworld Senior Editor Christopher Breen goes with us on a deep dive into the subject of music. The discussion starts with music curation - automatic with Pandora, more human-based with iTunes Radio. Chris explains why he feels one is, at least for now, superior to...
MacVoices #13205: Netflix vs. Your ISP, Windows Frustrations and More on the Mac Pro with Ted Landau
Ted Landau updates us on his Macworld article on the Mac Pro, and the widespread attention and response it received. A few final thoughts on his position on Apple's new top-end Mac, and then the discussion turns to Ted's efforts to troubleshoot a Netflix issue, the...
Older Episodes
MacNotables #1108: Ted Landau on Privacy, the New iMacs, Apple TV and Active 3D TV Tech
In a diverse discussion, Ted Landau wraps up the iOS privacy brouhaha, talks about who should buy a new iMac and why they shouldn't wait, and why Blu-Ray wasn't part of the new iMac equation. Turning to media, Ted and host Chuck Joiner discuss some unforeseen...
MacNotables #1107 – Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus on Incredible iPad Apps and iPad for Dummies
Bob "Dr. Mac" LeVitus is back to catch us up with his two latest books, Incredible iPad Apps For Dummies and iPad For Dummies, tell us about why some apps are great no matter how new or old they are and names some favorites and some classics. Bob also talks about his...
MacNotables #1106: Ted Landau on iPhone Hot Spot Options, Cloud Computing Possibilities and an SSD in Your Mac
With his head in clouds, Ted Landau talks about the place cloud computing has in today's computing environment, and where it may go if Apple makes good on all the speculation about its mysterious data center. If you're moving to the cloud, you probably are paying...
MacNotables #1105: Rounding Up Ted Landau’s Thoughts on The iPad 2
Ted Landau has been focusing on the iPad 2 recently, and even though not in his hands yet, has plenty of thoughts on Apple's latest effort. Ted talks about who the audience is or isn't for iMovie on the iPad 2, what history teaches us about the importance of price in...
MacNotables #1104: Jim Dalrymple Analyzes the New MacBook Pros, Reviews ThunderBolt, and Explains $.99 FaceTime
Jim Dalrymple of The Loop shares his thoughts on the just-announced MacBook and MacBook Pro models, and explains why there is more than meets the eye in terms of power. The biggest addition is Thunderbolt; Jim walks us through the exciting capabilities of this new...
MacNotables #1103: Ted Landau Looks Back at Macworld 2011, Forward to the Killer iPad and Sideways at iTunes Subscriptions
MacNotables returns with Ted Landau wrapping up Macworld 2011 and talking about the latest Angry Birds news before launching into an update on jailbreaking your iPhone, some thoughts on the iTunes subscription situation and who's game it is to play, and what will...
MacNotables #1203: Ted Landau Analyses Macworld | iWorld 2012 and Helps Avoid OS X 10.7.3 Problems
Fresh off the week in San Francisco at Macworld | iWorld 2012, Ted Landau provides his opinions of the show, and why he felt it was a success on many levels. Ted and host Chuck Joiner talk about what they liked, the interesting approach some vendors took to getting...
MacNotables #1102: The Road to Macworld – Christopher Breen Talks About His Many Macworld Activities
The Road to Macworld takes us to Christopher Breen, who might just be the busiest man at Macworld 2011. Not only is Chris delivering three different sessions, but is also producing and participating in a number of discussions on the Macworld Live stage on the show...
MacNotables #1101: Ted Landau on The Verizon iPhone, The Mac App Store and Macworld 2011 Plans
Ted Landau tore himself away from Angry Birds long enough to talk about some of the recent developments in the Apple industry, including the arrival of the Verizon iPhone, what it might mean for the success of the iPhone platform, and some of the glaring omissions in...
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