The MacJury convenes to examine some of the current issues in the Mac world, including the iPhone 4 pre-order meltdown, how a reservation is not a pre-order, and your best bets to get a new iPhone on the first day. Discussions range from the popularity of the iPhone, AT&T and Apple’s culpability for problems, and why the iPhone generates so much buzz and Android phones don’t? Then, the new Mac mini is put on the stand for a discussion of key features, how it fits into the home theater market, and what it means for the future of the Apple TV. Safari 5’s new Reader feature also gets the third degree, eliciting strong feelings from the user, the content creator, and web publisher perspectives. The evidence on all these issues is weighed and discussed by the panel of Jeff Carlson, Bryan Chaffin, Julio Ojeda-Zapata, Michael T. Rose, Fraser Speirs, and host Chuck Joiner.
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MacLevelTen – The Mac Media Group
Bryan Chaffin
Jeff Carlson
Practical Mac – Jeff’s Seattle Times column with Glenn Fleishman
The iPad Pocket Guide by Jeff Carlson
Take Control of Media on Your iPad by Jeff Carlson
Mike T. Rose
The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Twitter
Fraser Speirs
FlickrExport for iPhoto by Connected Flow
FlickrExport for Aperture by Connected Flow
Aperture to Final Cut Pro by Connected Flow
FlickrExport Lite for Aperture by Connected Flow
Viewfinder by Connected Flow
Julio Ojeda-Zapata
twitter means business: how microblogging can help or hurt your company by Julio Ojeda-Zapata
twitter means business on Twitter