MacJury #817: Re-Ordering Apple’s iPhone Priorities

Jul 22, 2008 | MacJury

The MacJury reviews Apple’s quarterly announcements and why the stock took an after-hours dive in spite of yet another stellar quarter, before focusing on Apple’s iPhone priorities. Much has been made of Apple’s vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing for iPod Greg Joswiak’s statements about why cut-and-paste isn’t included (yet) on the iPhone. The panel assumes a variety of perspectives to discuss some of the features they feel should move to the top tier of the priority list. “Frozen state” applications, improved syncing to stability, Flash support, modifications to the iPhone App Store…all these and more are discussed before the MacJury renders judgement on the one feature that is absolutely necessary for the iPhone’s success.

The panel includes:

Jeff Gamet Galen Gruman Chuck La Tournous Terry White Chuck Joiner
La Tournous

(Note: The MacJury panel was plagued with Skype instability during this session. We’ve done our best to eliminate the worst of the problems, but please be patient with some of the rougher sections of the recording.)
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Galen Gruman


Terry White


Terry White’s Tech Blog

Chuck La Tournous


Jeff Gamet

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The Mac Observer

The iPod Observer

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