Adam and Tonya Engst of TidBITS and Take Control Books are the perfect couple to help make sense of the pros and cons of the various ebook formats. The Mac Power Couple first give us an update on their Take Control books, how they are available, the best way to read them, and what some of the plans are for the future. The differences between PDF and ePub formats for ebooks are subtle, but both distinct and important; Adam and Tonya explain those differences, and which is best for what type of books. Adam delivers a summary of the new features of Safari 5 along with his thoughts on each, and then we ask MacNotables listeners to help settle an Engst family dispute over new hardware. Be sure to listen and vote your conscience.
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Take Control books
Take Control of iPad Basics by Tonya Engst
Take Control of Media on Your iPad by Jeff Carlson
Take Control of Working with Your iPad by Joe Kissell
Take Control of iPad Networking & Security by Glenn Fleishman
Reading Take Control Ebooks on an iPad (or iPhone or iPod touch) by Tonya Engst
Take Control of Mail on the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch by Joe Kissell
GoodReader Lite for iPhone in the iTunes Store
GoodReader for iPhone in the iTunes Store
GoodReader for iPad in the iTunes Store
Apple Extends Safari 5 with Reader, HTML5, Performance by Adam Engst on TidBITS