The MacNotables three-show Centennial celebration extravaganza concludes in Part 3 with the team delivering their final top 3 lists and discussing the success of the show. The panelists include:
- Robin Williams – Top 3 tips to look good in print
- Bryan Chaffin – The 3 second most important events in Apple’s history
- Adam Engst – Top 3 iPhoto tips
- Chuck Joiner – Top 3 things about MacNotables
- The Mac is Not a Typewriter, Second Edition
by Robin Williams
- The Non-Designer’s Design Book, Second Edition
by Robin Williams
- Apple Confidential 2.0: The Definitive History of the World’s Most Colorful Company by Owen W Linzmayer
- iPhoto 6 for Mac OS X (Visual QuickStart Guide) by Adam Engst