MacVoices #10101: Fraser Speirs Discusses A Real-World Deployment of iPads in the Classroom

Aug 30, 2010 | Developer, Graphics/Photos, Hardware, iPad, Software, Training/Education, Video, Web | 0 comments

Fraser Speirs

Fraser Speirs of Connected Flow is not just a great software and app developer, but also teaches computing in a local school. For this school year, the school decided to give every student an iPad, and to integrate Apple’s latest device into the teaching methodology in a big way. Fraser explains how the decision came about, the cost of funding the project, and why it was viewed as a favorable investment in the future. There’s more than just handing the student the iPad, obviously. Fraser covers training, app picks and management, iPad acceptable use issues both at school and at home, and some of the issues they are having with current iTunes App Store policies. Hoping that other schools around the world will undertake similar projects, Fraser provides some recommendations on the process, how to plan, and some of the decisions that have to be made with regard to many of the online educational resources.


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