If you think the Facebook privacy issues can’t affect you, you need to hear from Maria Langer about her recent social networking experiences. Maria describes how Facebook created a “community page” about her, without her acknowledgement or consent, and invited anyone and everyone to “help.” Facebook’s privacy settings can be a double-edged sword, revealing and restricting your content at the same time. Maria talks about that, as well as the pressure she has been receiving to more actively participate on Facebook and other forms of social media, why that participation is so different from posting things to her blog or having a Wikipedia page, and how easy it is to lose control of one’s online identity. Think it can’t happen to you? It happened to Maria, and she hopes you can learn from her story.
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MacLevelTen – The Mac Media Group
An Eclectic Mind – Maria Langer’s personal blog
Office 2008 for Mac: Small Business Projects at lynda.com
The Facebook Decision on Maria’s blog
Connect with Facebook? on Maria’s blog, An Eclectic Mind