MacVoices #1221: Macworld | iWorld 2012 – SoftClouds’ eventScan Collects Event Data for CRM Software Integration

Jan 31, 2012 | Business, Developer, Events, MacWorld 2012, Macworld Expo, Software

David Wetherelt

At Macworld | iWorld 2012, David Wetherelt of SoftClouds discusses eventScan, their solution for taking event attendee data, collecting it, and integrating it into your customer management realties system, including an iPhone client, and their latest service, mobi2Clouds.

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This edition of MacVoicesTV is sponsored by Other World Computing, providers of high-performance Mac accessories.
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Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices, MacVoicesTV, MacNotables and The MacJury, a group of shows and web sites that make up The MacVoices Group, and is part ofMacLevelTen . You can catch up with what he’s doing by following him on Twitter, friending him on Facebook, or circling him on Google+.

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