MacVoices #1248: Macworld | iWorld 2012 – Miraizon Lets You Extract DVD Clips and Convert Video Formats

Feb 9, 2012 | Developer, Events, Video

David Salaman

In the OS X Zone at Macworld | iWorld 2012, David Salaman of Miraizon discusses his company’s products, including Reframe, a video converter that converts from pretty much any format to any other format, and Cinematizer, a utility that allows you to extract clips from a DVD.

This edition of MacVoicesTV is sponsored by Tropical Software, the makers of TopXNotes, the flexible note-taking software that helps you organize your life.

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Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices, MacVoicesTV, MacNotables and The MacJury, a group of shows and web sites that make up The MacVoices Group, and is part ofMacLevelTen . You can catch up with what he’s doing by following him on Twitter, friending him on Facebook, or circling him on Google+.

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