MacVoices #13166: Jeff Carlson Takes Control of Your Digital Photos, One Step At A Time

Jul 19, 2013 | Author, Graphics/Photos, iOS, iPad, iPhone, Productivity, Software, Web | 0 comments

Chuck Joiner, Jeff Carlson

Jeff Carlson has yet another digital photography project going, with a Take Control twist. His newest book will be Take Control of Your Digital Photos, but what makes it different is that he’s writing it online, one chapter at a time, and you can watch him do it if you’re a TidBITS member. Jeff talks about how the project has developed and how it is changing based on reader feedback as he goes. With approximately one article/chapter per week, the book can be enjoyed a little at a time. More importantly, you can use Jeff’s advice to take control of the mass of unorganized digital photos that you are sure to have sitting on a hard drive somewhere. Jeff feels that digital photos should be fun, and will help you take some of the drudgery out of tagging, organizing and sharing them.

This edition of MacVoices is sponsored by Smile, the makers of  PDFpen 6 and PDFpenPro 6,  PDFpen for iPad  and  PDFpen for iPhone, as well as TextExpander for Mac, TextExpander touch and DiscLabel.

Smile Software


Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn.

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Author and photographer  Jeff Carlson  (@jeffcarlson  on Twitter) is a columnist for the Seattle Times, a senior editor for the weekly electronic newsletter  TidBITS  , and writes for publications such as  Macworld  and  Photoshop Elements Techniques. He is also the author of  The iPad 2 Pocket Guide,  The iMovie ’11 Project Book,  Photoshop Elements 10 for Windows and Mac OS X: Visual QuickStart Guide  and the new  Meet The iPad (third generation)  icon. He believes there’s never enough coffee, and does his best to test that theory.


 “Take Control of Your Digital Photos,” Chapter 1  by Jeff Carlson on Twitter

 The iPad for Photographers: Master the Newest Tool in your Camera Bag (2nd Edition)