Joe Kissell has an update to his book on one of the hottest topics going, Take Control of Your Paperless Office, 2ed Edition. Things change quickly in the tech world, and Joe keeps us updated with new information on putting your confidential information in the cloud and the balance between security, privacy and convenience. With fresh looks at things like the accuracy of the OCR software you’re using to scan your documents and looking beyond just feeding paper into your Mac, Joe keeps us on top of the latest information for a digital workflow.
This edition of MacVoices is sponsored by Smile, the makers of PDFpen 6 and PDFpenPro 6, PDFpen for iPad and PDFpen for iPhone, as well as TextExpander for Mac, TextExpander touch and DiscLabel.
Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn.
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Joe Kissell is the author of over two dozen Take Control ebooks, as well as a host of print books. He is a senior editor for TidBITS, and a Senior Contributor to Macworld. Keep up with him if you can on his personal blog,, and on Twitter.
Take Control of Your Paperless Office, 2ed Edition.
Secrets of the paperless office: optimizing OCR by Joe Kissell on Macworld
PDFpenPro 6 – SmileOnMyMac, LLC
DEVONthink Pro Office by DEVONtechnologies