MacVoices #13171: Dori Smith Discusses Evangelism, Community Management and Dreamweaver CC

Aug 1, 2013 | Author, Business, Commentary, Software, Web | 0 comments

Chuck Joiner, Dori Smith

Dori Smith has co-authored the new Dreamweaver CC: Visual QuickStart Guide, and gives us a look at the evolution of Adobe’s web publishing program as it moves to the cloud. What it adds, why it has been stripped down, and what that all means is part of Dori’s analysis. But that’s only part of Dori’s story. We talk about her activities as a product evangelist and community manager, and what that means in today’s world. Getting attention for your product is harder than ever, which is why Dori can help so many of us learn what it takes..and maybe even retain her services.

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Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn.

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Dori Smith  is an expert in  fields from the Mac (since 1992), Web development (since 1995), programming (since 1977–yes, really), online communities (since 1994), and blogging (since 1999). She has written and taught about all of these and many more. A self-described  online community activist, you can find her online on  Twitter  and at her blog,