Joe Kissell gives us a visual demonstration of some ineffective privacy measures before diving into a discussion of his new book, Take Control of Your Online Privacy. Joe talks in general about his and your attitudes toward online privacy, and why increased security just might lead to increased scrutiny. Email is a big part of the online privacy debate; Joe gives us some email tips, explains why he is looking at alternatives to his email provider, the implications of going with an off-shore solution, and where Google fits in to the picture. Joe also gets into things like securing your WiFi network, the kinds of online communication that are less easily analyzed and why, and some social media privacy tips. Whether you are a little or a lot concerned about your online privacy, Joe can help.
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Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn.
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Joe Kissell is the author of over two dozen Take Control ebooks, as well as a host of print books. He is a senior editor for TidBITS, and a Senior Contributor to Macworld. Keep up with him if you can on his personal blog,, and on Twitter.