MacVoices #14031: CES – j5 Create Builds A Wormhole Between Your Computers

Jan 18, 2014 | Developer, Events, Hardware, iPad, Software

Carolyn Chillington, Chuck Joiner

From  International CES  in Las Vegas, Carolyn Chllington  of j5 Create introduces us to their  Wormhole Switch. Essentially a USB cable that connects two PCs, two Macs, a Mac and a PC or a computer and an iPad, the Wormhole Switch lets you then control both devices from either one keyboard and mouse or the other, share files seamlessly and more. Carolyn gives us a simple and effective demo of why this might be your solution if you have two machines on your desk.

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This edition of MacVoices is sponsored by Smile, the makers of the brand new  PDFpen Scan+, the best way to scan and create PDFs on your iDevice,  PDFpen 6  and PDFpenPro 6,  PDFpen for iPad,  PDFpen for iPhone,  as well as TextExpander for Mac, TextExpander touch  and DiscLabel.

Smile Software

Show Notes:

Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn.

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Carolyn Chllington  of j5 Create  


J5 Create JUC400 Wormhole Switch for Mac/iPad/Windows