Ted Landau has been around the Macintosh from the beginning, and shares some perspective on how it has impacted both his life and the world of personal computing. Ted also provides some insight into the iPod’s future, the apparent promotion of the Apple TV to a product, and more.
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Show Notes:
Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, App.net and LinkedIn.
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Ted Landau pens Ted Landau’ User Friendly View column at The Mac Observer, is a Senior Contributor for Macworld, is the author of several Mac and iPhone help books, and is the founder of MacFixIt. He blogs on Ted Landau’s Slanted Viewpoint, and you can follow him on Twitter.
Macintosh reviews from 1984 on Ted Landau’s Slanted Viewpoint
Othello: Brief & Basic by Ted Landau – PDF link from Ted’s web site
Exclusive: Watch Steve Jobs’ First Demonstration of the Mac for the Public, Unseen Since 1984 by Harry McCracken on Time’s web site