While The Road to Macworld is smooth, life often isn’t. Allison Sheridan of the Nosillacast will be addressing some of those issues in her session, Avoiding Digital DISASTER! – Life After Death. She explains how her session came out of a set of real-world experiences, what she learned, and how you can prepare for the worst. Who has your passwords to all your critical services and information? What would our significant other do with your hardware? How would they handle your social media accounts? Those are just some of the questions Allison will answer and gives us a few preliminary tips to think about. Allison assures us there will be some laughter along the way as she addresses this critical topic.
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Show Notes:
Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, App.net and LinkedIn.
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Allison Sheridan is host of the NosillaCast Mac Podcast hosted at Podfeet.com. The NosillaCast is a technology geek podcast with an EVER so slight Macintosh bias! She’s been doing the NosillaCast every week for over 8 years (which is around 127 in human years.) She loves technology in general and everything about the Mac so she really can’t help herself. She has a particular fascination with accessibility tools, especially those for the blind, and even did a Tech Talk at Macworld while blindfolded, demonstrating how to use a Mac and an iPhone when you can’t see. She’s been a speaker on the Mac Mania cruise line, and she supports her local (and not so local) user groups by presenting there as well. She loves to present to an audience, so she even creates her podcast live on video every Sunday night at 5pm Pacific Time at http://podfeet.com/live. As she likes to say, she’s not always right but she’s always entertaining.
Avoiding Digital DISASTER! – Life After Death – Allison’s Macworld/iWorld session