In the Kanex booth at Macworld/iWorld 2014, Tracy Thomas shows us three highlights from their product line. The Kanex Multi-Sync Bluetooth Keyboard for Mac, iPad and iPhone lets you work with all these devices from one full-sized keyboard. The Kanex SimpleDock
outfits your MacBook with more USB ports, charging capabilities and and Ethernet jack. Finally, the Kanex mySpot Pocket-Size Access Point
might just be the perfect portable wireless router if your hotel is delivering access through Ethernet and you have multiple devices that you need to connect.
This edition of MacVoices is sponsored by Smile, the makers of the brand new PDFpen Scan+, the best way to scan and create PDFs on your iDevice, PDFpen 6 and PDFpenPro 6, PDFpen for iPad, PDFpen for iPhone, as well as TextExpander for Mac, TextExpander touch and DiscLabel.
Show Notes:
Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn.
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