In Take Control of The Cloud, Joe Kissell takes on his biggest challenge yet. Not just content with this cloud service or that, Joe helps you understand “The Cloud†in the macro sense, reviews some of the services that are out there to make your life easier and better, and how to evaluate the benefits and compromises of using those services. Joe explains why he felt it was time for a book of this scope, exactly what it accomplishes, and comments on the viability of some popular cloud services.
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Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn.
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Joe Kissell is the author of over two dozen Take Control ebooks, as well as a host of print books. He is a senior editor for TidBITS, and a Senior Contributor to Macworld. Keep up with him if you can on his personal blog,, and on Twitter.