Matt Neuburg has a unique perspective on all things iOS as the author of iOS 7 Programming Fundamentals: Objective-C, Xcode, and Cocoa Basics and Programming iOS 7
and a developer himself. Now he’s turning his attention to Apple’s new programming language, Swift, and its impact on IOS 8 and your favorite apps. While minimizing the coder talk, Matt helps us understand why Swift is so revolutionary, and what its advantages and shortcomings are, at least at this moment. Matt also talks about what we can expect to see in iOS 8 and why he’s excited about it all.
Show Notes:
Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn.
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Matt Neuburg has been writing about word processing, databases and text organization programs, scripting and innovative programming systems, and a variety of utilities since 1991. He has written some popular freeware programs, such as MemoryStick and NotLight. He has created the online documentation for a number of applications, such as Script Debugger and Opal. He has written books about programming Frontier, REALbasic, and AppleScript, and is the author of various Take Control ebooks. You can find out more about him on his site, Some Things by Matt Neuburg and connect with him on Google+.