MacVoices #14192: Joe Kissell Takes Control of Upgrading to Yosemite

Sep 8, 2014 | Author, Business, Commentary, Productivity, Software, Take Control

Chuck Joiner, Joe Kissell

Joe Kissell  has released the 1.0 version of his latest book, Take Control of Upgrading to Yosemite. Joe has spent hours installing and reinstalling the betas, and wants to help you make the smoothest transition possible when the time comes. Backups, software upgrades and more are all part of Joe’s advice, but there are some things that might surprise you. Find out why running Yosemite on older Macs might not deliver the same experience, some things you need to be aware of as you upgrade, and some strategies for coping with abandoned, legacy software.

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Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn.

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Joe Kissell is the author of over two dozen Take Control ebooks, as well as a host of print books. He is a senior editor for TidBITS, and a Senior Contributor to Macworld. Keep up with him if you can on his personal blog,, and on Twitter.



Take Control of Upgrading to Yosemite