MacVoices #14203: Kirschen Seah Profiles the Upcoming Ada Lovelace Day Promoting Women in Tech

Oct 6, 2014 | Business, Commentary, Events, Software, Tech Topics, Training/Education, Web

Chuck Joiner, Kirschen Seah

Kirschen Seah helps remind us about  Ada Lovelace Day, coming up on October 14. An inspiration for young women interested in math, sciences and tech, Ada Lovelace was one of the first programmers at a time when computers as we define them didn’t exist. Kirschen tells us about her accomplishments, what the day is about, and why it is so important to encourage young people, especially girls, when it comes to technology. Find out how to celebrate, participate and get involved.

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Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn.

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Kirschen Seah  is a software engineer who has always been fascinated with portable electronics ever since the Sony Walkman. With the advent of intelligent portable devices such as the Sony MagicLink, the Palm V, and now the iPhone and iPad, her quest is to discover how these devices can enrich our life experiences. She has used Apple devices all the way back to the Apple ][ and Lisa, culminating in several Macintoshes and iOS devices. Kirschen has delved in iOS and Mac OS software development and has released applications on both platforms. She has given talks on software engineering and development at local code camps, and loves to share her experiences and what she has learnt over the years being in the personal computer and portable device arena.

Kirschen is an avid cyclist and has participated in several Time Trial bike races, as well as being a certified SCUBA diver. She also holds an FAA Private Pilot License. Her other interests are in photography, videography, and SCUBA diving – and she even takes pictures underwater. Visit her personal blog at  Free Range Coder  and follow her on  Twitter  and


Ada Lovelace Day (ALD)

Information about Ada Lovelace

Ada Lovelace Day – getting involved Ada Lovelace Day FAQ


Million Women Mentors – Advancing Women and Girls in STEM careers through mentoring

CoderDojo – Independent volunteer led coding clubs

Iowa Tech Chicks – “a community organization that strives to connect and educate women working in and interested in learning technology.”