MacVoices #15041: CES – New and Unusual Peripherals from Satechi Focus on USB and iOS

Jan 18, 2015 | Developer, Events, Hardware, iOS, iPad, iPhone, Productivity

Alan Jacobson, Chuck Joiner

On the show floor at  International CES,  Satechi Senior Product Designer Alan Jacobson  walks us through their new products, including USB hubs, an iMac stand with four USB 3.0 ports built-in, and a series of Bluetooth buttons that make your iPhone’s controls accessible from across the room.

This edition of MacVoices is supported by ScreenCastsOnline. Your source for new Mac and iOS tutorials every week, and publisher of ScreenCastsOnline Monthly.


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Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn.

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