MacVoices #15054: Philip Goward of Smile Covers The New Features in PDFpen 7 and PDFpen Pro 7

Jan 26, 2015 | Business, Developer, Productivity, Software

Chuck Joiner, Philip Goward

Smile has released a major update to PDFpen and PDFpen Pro, taking both to version 7. Philip Goward  of Smile walks us through the new features that include a new viewable OCR text layer to facilitate proofing scanned pages, the ability to sign PDF forms via signature fields, and compatibility with iCloud Drive. He also discusses PDFPen Pro 7’s ability to export to Excel format, and the ability to capture Web sites to multi-page PDFs as well as the decision to make Yosemite a requirement for PDFpen 7, the revamped interface, and upgrade pricing for existing customers.

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Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn.

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Philip Goward  is a co-founder of  Smile, developers of  PDFpen for Mac,  TextExpander  and more. He lives in San Francisco and has a passion for opera. You can find him  on Twitter.


PDFpen 7 videos on Smile’s web site