MacVoices #15073: Ted Landau Picks His Apple Watch, Identifies the MacBook Audience and Looks at USB-C

Mar 18, 2015 | Apple Watch, Business, Commentary, Hardware, iOS, iPad, iPhone, MacNotables, Productivity, Software | 0 comments

Chuck Joiner, Ted Landau

Ted Landau  has his eye on an Apple Watch, but which one? He tells us why he’s decided to be an early adopter, picks his favorite, and talks about the influence of fashion on his choice…and maybe yours. Ted also has some thoughts on the new MacBook’s audience and why there has been such a strong reaction to the USB-C choice of connectivity, and why HBO Now may finally be the break from cable we’ve all been waiting for.

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Show Notes:

Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn.

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Ted Landau pens Ted Landau’ User Friendly View column at The Mac Observer, is a Senior Contributor for Macworld, is the author of several Mac and iPhone help books, and is the founder of MacFixIt. He blogs on Ted Landau’s Slanted Viewpoint, and you can follow him on Twitter.


Here’s to the crazy ones: Apple Watch Edition by Ted Landau on Slanted Viewpoint

Putting it together: MacBook, USB-C and the iPad Pro by Ted Landau on Slanted Viewpoint