MacVoices #15077: Oliver Breidenbach of Boinx Helps Us Celebrate with PartySnapper

Apr 1, 2015 | Apple TV, Developer, Graphics/Photos, iOS, iPad, iPhone, Software, Video

Chuck Joiner, Oliver Breidenbach

Oliver Breidenbach  of Boinx Software introduces us to their latest and greatest,  PartySnapper, their “Social Photo Wall App That Will Wow Your Party Guests.” PartySnapper lets you and your friends take photos at your next get-together and share them in near real-time through your Apple TV to your big screen. Oliver discusses the mechanics of doing so, the security they have built in to make sure only what you want to share gets shared, and their support of other camera apps.

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Show Notes:

Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn.

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Oliver Breidenbach is the CEO of Boinx Software. Follow him on Twitter.