We’re still catching up with Joe Kissell and his latest efforts, and this time that includes three different Take Control books. Take Control of Your Passwords has been updated to version 1.3, Take Control of Your Online Privacy is in its second edition, and Joe’s newest book is Take Control of Security for Mac Users. Joe talks about how the three topics overlap and why they are covered separately, what’s new in the world of passwords, and why online privacy continues to represent a challenge that you need to pay attention to. Find out how to improve your chances in a world that increasingly wants to track you and leverage your information.
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Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, App.net and LinkedIn.
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Joe Kissell is the author of over two dozen Take Control ebooks, as well as a host of print books. He is a senior editor for TidBITS, and a Senior Contributor to Macworld. Keep up with him if you can on his personal blog, JoeKissell.com, and on Twitter.