MacVoices #15137: AltConf – Kelly Guimont’s Reactions to the WWDC Announcements

Jun 16, 2015 | Audio/Music, Commentary, Developer, Events, iOS, iPad, iPhone, iPod, Software

Kelly Guimont, Chuck Joiner

At AltConf in San Francisco, we caught up with Kelly Guimont to get her impressions of the WWDC announcements about the new capabilities of Apple’s Health app from a women’s health perspective, the new Apple Music service, and more.

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Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn.

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Kelly Guimont  is a longtime Apple geek, sitting down (on a telephone book) in front of an Apple IIe in 1983. She can still hear the ticking of the ImageWriter. Thanks to the miracle of the adjustable leg desk, she no longer needs the phonebook. Kelly writes for  The Mac Observer, is co-host of  The Aftershow, makes regular appearances on the  Daily Observations Podcast  and the  British Tech Network  and yet still has more to say which she saves for  Twitter.