MacVoices #15177: The MacJury Examines The First Weekend of iPhone 6S and 6S Plus

Sep 29, 2015 | Business, Commentary, Graphics/Photos, Hardware, iPhone, MacJury, Productivity, Software, Video

Dave Hamilton, Don McAllister, Steve Sande, Chuck Joiner

The MacJury of Dave Hamilton, Don McAllister, Steve Sande  and host Chuck Joiner  spent the weekend working with the newest iPhones, and share their observations and experiences. 3D Touch, the 4K video option, Live Photos as well as carrier financing and selection, future plans for this phone and more all go into the panel’s analysis of whether this is a must-have upgrade.

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Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn.

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Dave Hamilton  is co-host of The Mac Geek Gab, President and co-Founder of The Mac Observer and co-Founder of BackBeat Media. You can follow him on Twitter.

Don McAllister  is the host and producer of  ScreenCastsOnline, a weekly video tutorial service, designed to help people get the most out of their Macs, iPads and iPhones. He also publishes his training videos in the SCOtutor series of apps, blogs at  The Mac Screencast Guy, and can be found on  Twitter.

Steve Sande  also writes way too much. He’s the Hardware Editor at  TUAW, and recently logged over one million words written for the blog in just over three years. He’s written a number of books for  Take Control Books  and  Apress, is married to a rocket scientist, and spends his days being bossed by a cat. You can watch what he says on  Twitter.