MacVoices #15200: Kevin La Rue of Macphun Introduces the New Aurora HDR Photo Software

Nov 23, 2015 | Developer, Graphics/Photos, iPhone, Productivity, Software, Web

Chuck Joiner, Kevin La Rue

Kevin La Rue  of  Macphun  is back to deliver another knockout demo of their new Aurora HDR software. You may have played with high dynamic range (HDR) photography before, but this new utility takes it to a whole new level. With input from professional photographer  Trey Ratcliff, who is famous for his HDR work, Aurora HDR lets you go simple, dig deep or select some of Trey’s “recipes” when working with the HDR settings. Whether you’re shooting casually with your iPhone, or doing bracketed shooting with a DSLR, you need to see what this software can do to make your photos something special.

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Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn.

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Kevin La Rue  is the Vice President of  Macphun Software, a Ukraine-based photo software company.