MacVoices #16079: Bryan Chaffin’s Evaluation of Privacy, Encryption, The FBI and Apple

Mar 4, 2016 | Commentary, iOS, MacNotables, Security/Privacy

Chuck Joiner, Bryan Chaffin

MacNotable Bryan Chaffin  and host Chuck Joiner  have a wide-ranging discussion on the latest developments in the FBI vs. Apple matter, since there seems to be something new to the case every day. As Bryan points out, there are a wide variety of players in this drama: the media, the public, legislators and lawmakers at the state and federal levels, foreign governments, security analysts and more. The motivations and impact of all the actors needs to be reviewed and evaluated, and that’s what this discussion tries to accomplish through discussion and debate.

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Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.

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Bryan Chaffin  began using Apple computers in 1983 in a high school BASIC programming class. He started using Macs in 1990 when the Kinko’s guy taught him how to use Aldus PageMaker, finally buying a Power Computing Power 100 in 1995. Bryan is the cofounder of  The Mac Observer  and currently serves as Afternoon Editor. He has contributed to MacAddict and MacFormat magazines, and coauthored Incredible iPad Apps for Dummies with Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus. You can find out more about Bryan at his personal site,  GeekTells. You can follow him on Twitter if you dare.