Bastian Wolfe of Boinx Software gives us a tour of the new features in their latest release, FotoMagico 5. Sporting a new, darker interface to help you focus on your project, FotoMagico makes telling your photo slide shows even more dynamic than before. Snippets act as building blocks for your project, adding components like introductions, titles, and credits. Stories help you structure your photos into a logical, compelling presentation, split screen and the option to include video spice things up, and metadata options help cut down on the work of revising information across all photos. Whether you are a pro or an enthusiastic amateur, FotoMagico can help you present your photos and videos easily and effectively.
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Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.
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Bastian Wolfe is Product Manager at Boinx Software