Smile has released TextExpander 6, the latest update to their text expansion utility, adding features and changing the pricing model. Greg Scown and Maia Olson talk about both, including the new ability to share snippets with other members of your family or your business team. The new sharing feature across Smile’s new cloud service is quite a bit different that the old syncing across devices function. Greg explains why, and how this will be the basis for the future, not just the present, of TextExpander. Maia details why the subscription model will mean more updates delivered to users sooner, and both compare and contrast the pricing of the old, separate-purchases-for-different-platforms with the new all-inclusive pricing that even extends to a new Windows version. Before you pass judgement on the changes, hear what Greg and Maia have to say about what the new platform will allow them to offer.
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Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.
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Greg Scown is a partner and co-founder of Smile, developers of PDFpen and TextExpander. You can follow him on Twitter.
Maia Olson has worked with the software company, Smile, spreading the joys of quality productivity software for the last 7 years. Over that time she has worn many hats, including those of customer support, technical writing, marketing and PR. She spends her summers volunteering at App Camp For Girls, a summer camp geared to inspire girls to join the tech industry by having female role models teach them to make iPhone apps. Maia can, occasionally, be found on Twitter.