On The Road to Macstock, Jodi Spangler and Melissa Davis talk about their team presentation that will focus on senior citizens and computing. Both are independent Apple consultants, but often go far beyond those boundaries. How being women affects what they do, their approach to servicing their clients, and some surprising favorite tools for being successful business people are all part of the conversation.
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Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.
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Jodi Spangler has owned her own company called Lakeshore Mac since 2000 and serves the people of South West Michigan, but she is originally from California. She is an expert in iPad and iPhone integration and currently teaches at Lake Michigan College in support of the aging community on how to use these devices in their daily lives. She also contract with several Senior Centers in the area. She have been in the Technology field since 1985 and started out as a hardware technician in Education for the first Apple II computers and have never stopped. She holds numerous Apple Hardware Certificates and ran an Apple Service Center for many years. She is a Macintosh specialist and has been servicing hardware and training people on this platform since it’s invention. Jodi currently support both Mac and PC on iCloud synchronization with iPads and iPhones. Her experience and expertise will always change and evolve with Technology as it changes. Jodi’s goal is to NEVER get stuck in a time warp. You can follow her on Twitter.
Jodi’s credentials include: – 30 years experience on the Macintosh and Windows in both hardware and software. – 15 years experience serving Education. – 12 years experience serving the graphics arts community. – 5 years experience as a national instructor in Macintosh troubleshooting and repair. – 3 years experience teaching iPad and iPhone classes at Lake Michigan Collage – 6 years as creator and president of the South West Michigan Mac Users Group
Melissa Davis is a mother of two children and TheMacMommy to many and their Apple gadgets with her personal information technology consulting business. She lives in Tucson, AZ where she synchronizes with her science teacher husband and their two young fanboys. She enjoys social networking and helping people all over the globe and in her own back yard get more joy from their Apple hardware and software. Her website is The MacMommy. You can connect with her on Twitter and on Google+.