MacVoices #16131: Road to Macstock – Allison Hartley

May 26, 2016 | Events, iOS, iPad, iPhone, Productivity | 0 comments

Chuck Joiner, Allison Hartley

The Road to Macstock  rolls on with a conversation with Allison Hartley  of The Tech Doctor Podcast. Allison will be talking about accessibility from the iOS standpoint, and how her iPhone has largely replaced her Mac, and in many cases, does a better job because of apps and form factors. Surprisingly, Allison finds her iPhone superior to her iPad when it comes to addressing accessibility, and tells us why.

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Show Notes:

Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.

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Allison Hartley has  been a loud and proud Apple fan person since buying her first iPod Touch in mid-2010. When the iPhone became available on her carrier, she immediately bought that as well. From the very first, she was excited by the fact that, as a blind person, she had complete access to a mainstream device which, as the iOS platform has continued to mature, has come to replace many standalone assistive technology devices on which she used to rely. These include but are not limited to book readers, devices for identifying money, barcode readers, and note taking devices. In early 2013, she switched from a PC exclusively to the Mac at home. Once again, Allison was blown away by how easily and quickly she could accomplish tasks like email, browsing, keeping up on social media, audio recording and editing, and document creation. She is the co-host of the Tech Doctor Podcast.  


Amadeus Pro

bossjock studio – the bossjocks

Ferrite Recording Studio – Wooji Juice Ltd

Twitterrific 5 for Twitter – The Iconfactory

Drafts 4 – Quickly Capture Notes, Share Anywhere! – Agile Tortoise

Pages – Apple

TapTapSee – Blind & Visually Impaired Camera – CamFind Inc.

Audio Hijack by Rogue Amoeba


MUDRammer – A Modern MUD Client – LLC