MacVoices #16137: Diane Hamilton of Binary Formations Helps You Take Home Inventory

Jun 7, 2016 | Business, Developer, iOS, iPad, iPhone, Productivity, Software

Chuck Joiner, Diane Hamilton

Diane Hamilton  of Binary Formations provides an in-depth review of the feature set of  Home Inventory, their application that helps you track your possessions and prepare a comprehensive list in preparation for those disasters that you hope never happen. With multiple ways to add items, including photos and voice, Home Inventory makes the laborious task of creating the inventory fun by using their free iOS apps to wander your home and categorize your stuff. Diane dives deep into all the capabilities of the program, including how it can track collections and help you obtain the information necessary to purchase adequate insurance on your belongings.

This edition of MacVoices is sponsored by Atlasssian, the makers of software that helps teams team everywhere team up to create what’s next.

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Macstock Conference & Expo and the Midwest Mac BBQ, coming to Woodstock IL on July 16 and 17.

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Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.

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Diane Hamilton is Managing Partner at Binary Formations which she owns with her husband Kevin. After long careers in enterprise software, the two jumped ship to turn what started as a hobby in 2005 with the first release of Home Inventory into a full-time business designing and developing consumer apps for the Mac, iPhone, and iPad. All their apps start with a need in their own family. You can find Diane on Twitter. Follow Binary Formations on Twitter & Facebook.


Home Inventory Mobile Backup – Binary Formations, LLC

Home Inventory Remote Entry – Binary Formations, LLC