MacVoices #16169: John Brayton of Golden Hill Software Introduces Feed Hawk

Sep 2, 2016 | Developer, iPad, iPhone, Productivity, Software, Web

Chuck Joiner, John Brayton

John Brayton  of Golden Hill Software  helps make RSS more accessible to your iPhone and iPad with Feed Hawk. By making subscriptions as easy as pulling up a share sheet, and with support of some of the most popular RSS feed services, Feed Hawk will help you utilize news feeds to keep up with all the information you need to keep up with. John talks about the origin of the software, some of the challenges in supporting the many RSS reading options, and his other apps.

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Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.

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John Brayton  is the Owner and Software Engineer at Golden Hill Software, the makers of  CloudPull, a Mac app that backs up your Google account to your Mac, Marketo, a site-specific iOS web browser creator, and Feed Hawk, an easy-to-use RSS subscription utility for Safari in iOS.  Reader. Follow John on  Twitter, and Golden Hill Software on Twitter.