MacVoices #17087: Dave Hamilton and Paul Kent Introduce The Apple Market Forum

Mar 28, 2017 | Business, Events, iPad, iPhone, Productivity

Dave Hamiton, Paul Kent, Chuck Joiner

There’s a new conference on the calendar, and it is going to be a good one. Organizers Dave Hamilton and Paul Kent explain how the Apple Market Forum will address the issues of businesses using Apple technologies now and going forward. The conversation has changed for many reasons and in many ways. These two veterans of the Apple universe have put together an event that will help address those changes, and how we can take best advantage of them.

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This edition of MacVoices is supported by MacVoices Magazine, our free magazine on Flipboard that helps you do more with your Apple tech.

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Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.

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Dave Hamilton  is co-host of The Mac Geek Gab, President and co-Founder of The Mac Observer and co-Founder of BackBeat Media.  You can also find him as a regular on The Mac Observer’s Daily Observations Podcast, and co-hosting both The Small Business Show and Gig Gab, and can follow him on Twitter.  

Paul Kent, is a 30 year veteran of the technology industry. Having started his career as a self-taught programmer, he started his own consulting firm in 1984. His company, Mactivity, Inc., went on to host the well regarded Mactivity series of technical conferences and a career in event management was born.

Over the years Kent has contributed to and produced many of the tech industry’s groundbreaking events – Interop, InteropDotCom, Mactivity, Mactivity/Web, Mactivity/CEO, Voice on the Net (VON), ProgrammableWorld, Search, SOCKSDevCon, QuickTime Live!, The Mac Networkers Retreat and, Macworld/iWorld.  Connect with him on Twitter.