MacVoices #17184: Josh Centers Takes Control of iOS 11

Sep 1, 2017 | Author, iOS, iPad, iPhone, Productivity, Software

Chuck Joiner, Josh Centers

In anticipation of the next version of iOS, Josh Centers gives us early access to Take Control of iOS 11. With new productivity features, iOS 11 is a progression with both cosmetic and functional differences. Some apply to the iPad, some to the iPhone, some to both. Josh discusses how developer’s adoption will be key to some of those, the promise of Drag and Drop, and why you need to screen your mission-critical apps before you upgrade.

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This edition of MacVoices is sponsored by Smile, the makers of PDFpen and PDFpenPro, PDFpen for iPad, PDFpen for iPhone, PDFpen Scan+, as well as TextExpander for Mac and TextExpander for iPhone and iPad, as well as the new TextExpander for Windows. Great software to help you get more done.

Show Notes:

Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.

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Josh Centers is the Managing Editor of TidBITS. He’s also an occasional contributor to Macworld, Boing Boing, and The Sweethome. You can keep up with him on Twitter and his blog at


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