The iPhone X comes with lots of questions, features, and capabilities, and The MacJury considered them all. From the benefits Apple can reap with their upgrade program, to the many click-bait issues surrounding the new phone, the panel of Josh Centers, Michael E. Cohen, and host Chuck Joiner examine the evidence, including their own experiences. Animoji, the “notch” issue, the new cameras (front and back), Face ID…everything goes into evidence in this bonus-length discussion.
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Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.
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Josh Centers is the Managing Editor of TidBITS. He’s also an occasional contributor to Macworld, Boing Boing, and The Sweethome. You can keep up with him on Twitter and his blog at
Michael E. Cohen has worked as a teacher, a programmer, a Web designer, a multimedia producer, and a certified usability analyst. He’s the author or co-author of several books, including Take Control of Pages, and Take Control of PDFpen 9.