MacVoices #17215: Kirk McElhearn Takes Control of Scrivener 3

Nov 20, 2017 | Author, iOS, iPad, iPhone, Productivity, Software

Chuck Joiner, Kirk McElhearn

After a very long wait, the new version of Scrivener is out, and along with it, Take Control of Scrivener 3 by Kirk McElhearn. From a streamlined interface to new tools, Kirk talks about how Scrivener has further evolved as a writing environment. New ways to isolate dialog for fiction writers, unique search capabilities, and differences with other writing tools are among the features Kirk highlights.

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Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.

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Kirk McElhearn writes about Macs, iPods, iTunes, books, music and more. He is a regular contributor to TidBITS, as well as several other web sites and magazines. He is co-host of The Next Track and The Committed podcast. You can follow him on Twitter, and visit his personal web site, Kirkville.