MacVoices #17219: Tonya Engst Takes Control of Mac Basics

Dec 4, 2017 | Author, Software, Take Control

Chuck Joiner, Tonya Engst

MacNotable Tonya Engst returns to talk about a new Take Control book of her very own, Take Control of Mac Basics. This title is based on an earlier book, but gets into more detail and new territory. Tonya talks about how the approached the project, why she decided not to cover some things, and which kind of basic user it targets (because basic users come in all flavors). If you think you are beyond a basics book, think again. Tonya discusses an Apple-supplied utility we never heard of, and points out some things we bet you didn’t know…because we didn’t.
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Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices. You can catch up with what he’s doing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.

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Tonya Engst spends her days immersed in Apple technology as part of the TidBITS Web site (Apple news for the rest of us). Follow her on Twitter.